The Worship Committee is a large group divided into small sub-groups who organize the various aspects of the worship services and prepare our sanctuary for worship.
Involved in various aspects of the worship service, including music, drama, and Liturgist.
Performs in variety of ways with many vocal and musical groups.
AUDIO/VISUAL - Controls the sound room for all services and activities. Camera and video screens.
The purpose of our Usher Ministry is to extend a friendly welcome to members and visitors and to offer assistance should any have a need. This includes the overall well being of the congregation and needs as they occur; assisting those in wheelchairs and any other disabilities; collecting the offering; and handling bulletins and seating of parishioners.
Prepares and serves the elements for communion.
In charge of displaying and changing the liturgical colors of cloth displayed on the altar and pulpit throughout the year.
Decorates the sanctuary for the holidays.